Tuesday, November 10, 2015

That thing where you sign your name and freak out at the same time.

Contract for Publication.

There is nothing as exciting as putting your name on a paper that says, "I believe in you and your writing."
That happened for me today.

My YA novel KILLER POTENTIAL has been offered a home at BookFishBooks.
I should add--I've had my eye on these guys forever. (you should see their covers--gorgeous).

So this offer was something that hit me right in the heart--and also sent me a little insane--This is how I look dancing with joy.

This wonderful thing didn't just happen out of thin air. My writing groups, Critique Partners (especially my CPs), supportive and encouraging family and friends, Conferences, Being stubborn, Writing contests, Great authors I cut my teeth on, Amazing publication options available today, and sheer blessings--I've probably missed something too--all combined for this honor.

This is how my son and I greeted the inbox today.
I have no idea where my upper lip goes when I smile.

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